If you would like to find out more about the PSHE careers learning opportunities please click here
If you would like to see the careers questionnaire results for the Gatsby Benchmarks please click here
Adele Greenleaf
William Henry Smith School
Booth Royd Lane
Provider Access Policy (click here)
The impact of our careers programme is measured by completing certificated pieces of work as part of their OCR Life and Living Skills qualification.
Next step records are kept in the student’s files in a document called “Careers and Transition notes”.
All information regarding CEIG is collated in a document called “Careers tracker 2022/23” in which we record the following
Careers Advice can also be found at:
Huddersfield Careers Centre - 24 High Street, Huddersfield, HD1 2LR
Explore websites that present information on the UK labour market
This forms an important part of our CEIAG curriculum.
Students start to explore career options based around their own future aspirations and interests. In Year 10, students have the opportunity to visit local companies in the area around school. In Year 11 placements are arranged to ensure they get a relevant experience related to their chosen career path . Also in Years 10 and 11 individual college visits are arranged to suit individuals so that they are encouraged to stay fully invested and complete their time at school successfully while getting maximum benefit from their time at school. The younger boys have the chance to experience work by applying for short term, salaried placements with various service departments in the school, such as the Farm, Catering, Security or Premises.
The school holds an annual 'Introduction to Working Life'/Careers Week where the whole school community and local businesses and key services get involved in learning about the types of skills and qualifications needed to enter a variety of professions. On the day, young people visit local businesses, apply for school assistant jobs and take part in both work experience and voluntary work. Our boys also regularly attend the local High Schools' Careers Events and receive careers information and guidance from a Kirklees careers advisor for two days.
Welcome to WHSS Careers Directory
You will find a lot of information about different careers by subject. Do remember that these are not the only careers available within each subject area, but it is a great place to start exploring possible future career options.
Useful links for students
Useful links for parents
Useful links for teachers
T Levels | The Next Level Qualification
Useful links for Employers
Click Here to give Employer Feedback
Please send your feedback sheet to Adele Greenleaf, Careers Lead adele.greenleaf@whsschool.org.uk
Under Sharia law paying interest is prohibited.
For any Muslim parents who would like information on university cost please see this website.
Disability Rights UK has some excellent careers advice. Please click here.
Would you like to engage with the school and your potential clients and employees? Activities to get involved with are:
If you are interested in working in school please contact adele.greenleaf@whsschool.org.uk