Local Offer

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We are a Non-Maintained Special School of around 87 boys between the ages of 5 and 19.  All boys placed with us have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). We are based in Brighouse, West Yorkshire.


There are three core elements to our provision: 


We teach most subjects in the National Curriculum and boys study up to GCSE level and gain many other further qualifications on the way.  We put a lot of time into catching up on Literacy and Numeracy and, beyond that, we learn a lot through doing - with some very practical Short Courses like Chef Skills, Gardening, Photography, Sailing, Fishing and Drama.  We always find places for our boys in their local colleges when they leave.  Some boys stay on for our sixth form provision. 



 Emotional Well-Being

We have a wide range of mental health professionals offering Therapy on site to help with emotional needs and communication and sensory issues.  Many boys are referred to us for behaviours and we constantly look behind the behaviour to address the root causes, through a positive behaviour support and trauma informed approach. Common diagnoses amongst our boys include ASD, ADHD, Autism and varieties of Conduct Disorder.  Part of our provision includes Family Outreach work and support.  We link closely with CAMHS services in our Local Authorities.


 Living and Social Care

Some boys are placed with us residentially four nights a week, we also offer part residential, extended day and non-residential places.  Our wide-ranging curriculum wraps around the boys for 24 hours a day, with a social skills programme, life and living skills packages and a varied activities programme that addresses social and emotional needs.  Boys live in one of our four houses each, with their own ensuite bedrooms. Ofsted have rated our residential Social Care provision as 'Outstanding' for 18 inspections, over 16 years in a row. 

Whilst we are always happy to show families around, please note we work very closely with our Local Authority partners and we recognise the financial constraints on their resources.  As such, we consult very early on with Local Authority SEN departments about any potential placement.