At WHSS, our curriculum is designed to be broad, balanced, and knowledge-rich, delivered through engaging subject-specific projects. Maths is taught using the White Rose Maths scheme, which supports students with the fundamental skills needed to access further qualifications and access Maths within the wider world. We teach Phonics using the Ruth Miskin, Read Write inc. scheme as a starting point and develop the skills required to ensure all our students become functional readers and writers. English is taught using Thematic approaches whilst exploring National Curriculum objectives. We also offer specialised programs in Computing, Physical Development and Healthy Lifestyles and celebrate Religious studies and Music through Curriculum drop-down days. Students explore Art & Design, Design Technology, Thematic learning and Science through termly projects.
In line with our WHSS Baccalaureate, students work towards achieving enrichment qualifications which include OCR Life and Living Skills and AQA Unit Awards. Curriculum enrichment is also offered to all students, in the form of educational trips and visits.
We ensure every student has the opportunity to succeed and become 'the best that they can be'.
The WHSS Baccalaureate (Bacc) is our tailored school performance measure that tracks students' success across a broad range of achievements, experiences, and qualifications.
Each student follows a pathway suited to their unique skills, needs, and talents, with the goal of achieving the Bacc by the time they leave WHSS. The Bacc includes success in core subjects like English and Maths, as well as non-core subjects and various qualifications. It also recognizes life-based skills, outdoor learning, work experience, and progress in personal and social areas like therapy and community work. The Lincoln pathway offers a more individualized focus on OCR Life & Living Skills, including literacy and numeracy. Through a combination of academic qualifications, personal development, and real-world skills, the WHSS Bacc prepares students for further education and adulthood.