Review & Assessment
Our Head of Commissioning reviews all gathered information to ensure that we can meet the student's unique needs. Our Admissions Support Lead and Family Team are involved from the start, fostering a supportive relationship with the family.

Transition Planning 
Whether it is a day place or residential place, we work closely with families to ensure a smooth transition. Travel distance is considered for both day and residential placements.

Offer & Agreement
When a place is offered at WHSS, parents or carers will be asked to sign an Admissions Agreement outlining our policies, practices, and expectations.

 Admission process


Having received a referral and the relevant paperwork from a Local Authority, we endeavour to expedite the process; often a student will already have had significant time out of school and it will be in their best interests to engage with education as soon as is practically possible. The whole process involves both parties feeling that the 'match' is right and that our provision can meet the student's needs.

School visit
They will then be invited to look around the school, followed by a meeting in the home setting to discuss their visit. After this, our Head of Commissioning will review all the information. From the outset, our Admissions Support Lead and Family Team are at the heart of the process. 

The referring Local Authority is responsible for paying all school fees as defined by the National Contract for placement of students. All provision described within our prospectus, including our therapeutic interventions and residential holidays, are covered by the payment of the fees.  

The Local Authority makes transport arrangements for students attending the school. At WHSS, we also have school vehicles, which provide transport for students during the school day; these may be used to transport students to offsite learning activities, educational visits and key working sessions. 

Admissions to our school are determined by a Local Authority's Placements Team in consultation with our Head of Commissioning.  All students admitted have undergone a statutory assessment and have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC).

As a parent/carer, you have the right to express a preference to your Local Authorities 'Local Offer' as to the most suitable school for your child.   If you think the The William Henry Smith School & Sixth Form would meet your child’s needs or you would like to learn more about us, please complete the Admissions Contact Form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Admissions Contact Form

Admissions Policy